The purpose of this agreement is to promote the high standards of online education at we7Academy or Rise-n-Shine Star. Our online courses promise “instructors committed to the highest quality teaching and learning,”
and “meaningful interaction among students and faculty.” We hope to get full support of students’ parents and the cooperation of the students themselves
For all students and parents, please read the following agreement carefully. If you are younger than 21 years old, please ask your parents or guardian to complete the following;
if your age is greater than 21 years old (or equal), you start from #3.
- I allow my child to join we7Academy or Rise-n-Shine Star online learning course and coaching.
- I promise that when my child (younger than 10 years old) is studying online, there is at least an adult to accompany.
- I promise to provide an accurate contact number to we7Academy/Rise-n-Shine Star and keep it up to date so that we7Academy/Rise-n-Shine Star can contact me in case of an emergency.
- I understand that at least 7 days in advance to decide the class and to pay the tuition fee to the we7Academy or Rise-n-Shine Star before starting the course.
- I understand that if I miss a class(es) not due to an emergency, there will be no remedial opportunities or refund of class fees. In these emergencies, there is a need for hospital certification or other evidence.
- I understand that if I want to adjust a certain class time for some reasons, I need to apply one week in advance, and get permission from the class teacher and classmates.
- I understand that if I need to terminate studying course at we7Academy or Rise-n-Shine Star early, I must notify the online school by writing or email as soon as possible for private lesson. For group lesson, I understand there is no refund or credit if I terminate the lesson or class early.
I understand I can only use we7Academy or Rise-n-Shine Star media system to contact teachers for all communications. I understand I cannot transmit personal information such as phone numbers; emails, etc. by online course, mail, signs, homework.. etc. Once discovered, we7Academy or
Rise-n-Shine Star can stop the student’s courses at any time without prior notice and no tuition refund. And retain legal rights to the student or parent and guardian.
I understand that in the area photographed by the webcam, there should be no characters, pictures, hints and symbols with sexual, religious, racial contradictions or other basic moral and moral virtues. Once discovered, we7Academy or Rise-n-Shine Star can terminate student learning at
any time without prior notice. And retain legal rights to the student or parent and guardian.
- I understand that I can't cover and comment on unhealthy topics such as religious, racial, geographic or gender discrimination. It can't be related to content, topic or discussion of any sexual, gambling, drug, or other unhealthy attitude.
I authorize the we7Academy or Rise-n-Shine Star to archive my children or my own works, including essays, student works, photos, videos, etc. that can be used for promotion and training purpose’s of
some we7Academy or Rise-n-Shine Star instruction’s that will be granted without any fee and or other considerations.
I have read and understand the school regulation of we7Academy or Rise-n-Shine Star.