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《**Popular Classes**》

Through today’s internet technology, we7Academy and Rise-n-Shine Star Chinese school provide an online platform for both education professionals and students, where teachers have freedom to offer individual teaching methodologies and students enjoy personalized supplementary learning experience.

All teachers and staff at we7Academy and Rise-n-Shine Star Chinese school pledge to provide an education environment to ensure each child is given an opportunity to achieve the fullest potential in school and develop the foundation for life-long learning and success.

we7Academy and Rise-n-Shine Star

The mission: Empower teachers to teach, students to learn and inspire creativity and critical thinking, with real results.

The vision: Embrace education 4.0, educate future leaders and enrich their human capital through today’s internet technology.

The spirit: Small steps, big changes.

The concept: Individual teaching, personalized learning, small class size (about 3-7 students) and one-to-one.